Ryogo Toyoda
3D/2D illustrator, Toy Artist, Motion Designer, Author born and based in Tokyo.
Specialize in 3D illustration, character design, and motion design projects.
After working as a graphic designer for a production company, he became a 3D illustrator in 2014, working on domestic and international advertisements, character designs, and videos based on 3D illustrations.
Welcome worldwide!
豊田 遼吾
2016年Cinema4Dの公式イベントMaxonユーザーミーティングに登壇。2017年には著書『Cinema4Dクリエイターズバイブル』がAmazonのCG書籍カテゴリにてベストセラー1位を記録。2018年、LUMINE Xmas Campaignを担当しLUMINE全館にて3Dアート作品を発表。2019年、香港のショッピングモールiSquareにてXmas Campaignを発表。2020年、Beepleを始めとする世界的3Dアーティスト達と共にAvant Formを設立。また同年、FENDI 2020春夏 Strap Youのコンセプトムービーを担当。2022年、Singapore Comic Conにゲスト出演。
Apple / Microsoft / FENDI / Google / YouTube / Amazon / Universal Music / WIRED / Disney / Nintendo / Adobe / MAXON / Unity / ASUS / LINE / Sony Music / Mitsubishi / Warner Bros Movie World / Village Roadshow / LUMINE
2015.4 / Featured on Behance (Behance/US)
2015.4 / Student Show (Behance/US)
2015.5 / Featured on Behance (Behance/US)
2015.5 / Motion Graphics Served (Behance/US)
2015.6 / Motion Graphics Served (Behance/US)
2015.9 / The Digital Age (R/GA /US)
2016.1 / Digital Art Served (Behance/US)
2016.1 / Design Award.Asia -Design of the day-
2016.7 / illustration Served (Behance/US)
2016.7 / Motion Graphics Served (Behance/US)
2017.5 / Motion Graphics Served (Behance/US)
2017.6 / illustration Served (Behance/US)
2017.7 / illustration Served (Behance/US)
2017.12/ Featured on Behance (Behance/US)
2018.4 / Featured on Behance (Behance/US)
2019.6 / Featured on Behance (Behance/US)
2021.1 / Featured on Behance (Behance/US)
2014.4 / Abduzeedo daily inspiration #1734 (Brazil)
2015.4 / Abduzeedo daily inspiration #2045 (Brazil)
2015.5 / Graffica.info (Spain)
2015.5 / Adobe inspire (US)
2015.7 / Computer arts magazine #August2015 (UK)
2015.10/ Fubiz (France)
2016.2 / Inspire magazine #3 (Taiwan)
2016.2 / Adobe Creative Cloud Featured (Adobe JP)
2017.8 / Abduzeedo (Brazil)
Public Speech
2015.9 / YouTube Space Tokyo
2016.8 / MAXON User Meeting 2016
2022.12 / Singapore Comic Con 2022
2017.12 / Cinema4D Professional Workflow
2015.10 / Design ideas.pics(Philippine)
2015.10 / Pictbox(Japan)
2016.1 / Red Lemon Club(UK)
2016.7 / Adobe Creative Cloud(JP)
2017.1 / Adobe Inspiration on Behance (Adobe/JP)
Contact me !
Available worldwide and always welcome the project from overseas!
For projects in North America, please contact Closer&Closer.
For projects in another country, please send inquiry from the form below.
Represention in North America(USA, Canada, Mexico): Closer&Closer
Email Inquiries to hello@closerandcloser.co
Call +1.323.426.4409